Allied Community Fund and Education Fund Opens for Applications

PUBLISHED June 19, 2023 | updated June 19, 2023 03:27

Community Fund and Education Fund created by Allied Insurance Company under their corporate social responsibility initiative “Premium for Good”, opens for application submission. 

“Allied Community Fund” is a funding program aimed towards funding the community-based organizations in the atolls to empower their initiatives towards enhancing the community. The initiatives are categorized into the sections of health, social services, environment protection, rights of women and children, education, and history. The applicants are to submit their proposal via email to before 16:00 hrs of August 15, 2023, and the 4 finest concept applications will receive a fiscal assistance of MVR 50,000.

“Allied Education Fund” is targeted towards encouraging initiatives that empower teachers and students as well as strengthen the education system. The applicants interested in applying for this fund are to submit their proposal via email to before 16:00 hrs of August 15, 2023, out of which the 8 most compelling proposals will receive a fiscal assistance of MVR 25,000.

Allied highlighted that the funding programs had been initiated with a lot of high hopes and in reference to the experience of last year, this year too can become a medium to overcome the monetary hurdles faced by the communities from different parts of the nation when it comes to community refining activities. Further, to have witnessed prosperity in these communities has been instrumental in deciding to continue with these funding programs. The latest updates of the programs can be viewed from

“Premium for Good” is a CSR initiative launched by Allied in 2018 that aligns with the sustainable development structure by the UN and acts as an underlying base to ensure continued sustainable programs by Allied to foster a healthier community growth. Through this initiative, Allied has successfully been working on bringing environment friendly changes as well as changes to the academic system consistently. 



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