Dhiraagu has launched three new Salhi Daily Data bundles allowing Amilla Postpaid customers to enjoy exciting daily benefits, bigger data allowances and get greater value on data.
With the introduction of these daily refreshing data bundles, Amilla postpaid customers can choose from Salhi90, Salhi150 and Salhi210 to enjoy increased data benefits with a single activation. Customers activating a Salhi90 add-on will get to enjoy daily refreshing 1GB per day together with 60GB data for all their entertainment needs. Salhi150 add-on will receive daily refreshing 2GB together with 90GB data to their entertainment bucket. Their biggest daily refreshing plan, Salhi210 add-on will receive daily 3GB together with 120GB to chat and stream all day.
Dhiraagu Manager Consumer Postpaid, FBB Jana Ibrahim stated, “We are continuously trying to evolve our product portfolio to suit the needs of our customers and offer great value and options to enrich their digital experience. Amilla Postpaid is a unique postpaid concept that allows customizing the plans as per customer needs and on top of it the Salhi Daily Data bundles introduced for Amilla will offer customers more value on data to maximize their digital experience.”
Customers on Dhiraagu Amilla Postpaid can conveniently activate Salhi Daily Data via Dhiraagu mobile App.
The company plays a pivotal role in enriching lives of the people in the Maldives and continuously keeps on enhancing products and services to cater to the growing demand.
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