A groundbreaking event took place in the Maldives as the first-ever material recovery facility was established in Hulhumale' Phase 2. The joint effort of The Coca-Cola Foundation and the Maldives Ocean Plastic Alliance (MOPA), the facility was inaugurated by Ahmed Gais, Deputy Managing Director of Urbanco.
Aligned with this year's World Environment Day theme of 'Beat Plastic Pollution,' Urbanco stated that the initiative would not only address environmental concerns but also create economic opportunities.
The company expressed confidence that the facility would greatly benefit the general public by providing enhanced convenience. The Coca-Cola Foundation contributed $150,000 to MOPA for the establishment of this material recovery facility.
Equipped with a washing machine for plastic items, the facility also included weight-checking equipment for service purposes, a forklift and a pickup truck, and a designated area for storing belly plastic.
MOPA is actively promoting the reuse of single-use plastic within the country and is dedicated to raising awareness among the masses. In the past, MOPA has undertaken various projects, including the Greater Male' Plastic Project.
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